
Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you.

The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.

23 January 2011

So I says, I says, "Hey! That's a great idea!"

I haven't blogged in ages. I'm building an igloo out of all these writer's blocks I've collected over the past few weeks. With the weather we're getting here, an igloo seems like a swell idea. But I digress.

Right, back to the point of this post. I had an aha! moment in the shower like literally twenty minutes ago, no lie.

You ready? Ready?! Okay, here we go!

What if I wrote a book?

Like legit. But not just any book. I wanna write something that will fall under the Islamic Literature umbrella. To be honest, I'm a little frustrated by today's youth. They worship actors and actresses and listen to trashy music and talk about stupid things and watch retard TV. But can you blame them? My opinion: no. Those poor helpless childre-- LOL, jk DURR you can blame them, those kids should know better, especially the ones that go to an Islamic school. But what if we had better alternatives? Books, for instance?

Imagine an Islam-ified Nancy Drew series? Or Boxcar Children -- but Muslim-ified?

Or better yet... what about something entirely different?

I don't know, maybe its the book worm in me talking, maybe today's youth just don't care for books, good or bad.

I don't even know what I'd write a book about, but I could come up with ideas probably.

I just wanna write a book, so why not make it count? During the Yusuf Estes workshop earlier this month, one of the speakers, Dr. Laurence Brown, mentioned that one thing he noticed about Islam upon his conversion was the lack of Islamic Literature available.

Stupid writer's block. I can't even talk right.


Let me know if you think this is a good idea or a complete waste of time. Especially you, my fellow fourteen-year-old facebook friends.
Let me know what you'd want to read about.
Talk to me.


  1. not your friend anymore !January 24, 2011 at 12:29 AM

    i love you but i cant be your friend because YOU NEVER ANSWER MY TEXTS you break my heart :'(



    Thanks for leaving a comment relevant to the post UGLY. You ALWAYS do that, UGLY.

  3. You know, I actually had some serious thinky thoughts on this issue a while back. There's a decent (still small but moderately noticeable, really) amount of good adult Muslim fiction, but not much in the juvenile department and I can't really think of any Muslim fiction book series.
    I think something in the Nancy Drew vein would be great. A serialized story that features a relatable Muslim lead doing awesome stuff that appeals to the western Muslim youth.
    Mostly though, I'd like to see stories that feature a main a character who happens to be Muslim as opposed to a character who is dealing with being Muslim (know what I mean?)

    Sorry, if my thoughts on this seem a little frazzled, but I'd definitely love to know what you have in mind!

    -Yasmine (who's definitely over the age of 14 *cough*)

  4. Yasmine, you are so CUTE! and I love you!! lol thinky thoughts haha. But yeahhhhhh, I definitely know what you mean about the whole Muslim character versus character dealing with being Muslim. I feel like there's too much already about dealing with being Muslim. Its getting boring. Why can't there be a book where the character just DOES wear the hijab and have friends and not complain about everything?
    I'll definitely get back to you when I get some more ideas. :DDD

  5. Ahhhhh, you're amazing Yasmine. Your comment was even better the second time I read it. <3333

  6. You should write more of one like in the style of Dr. Seuss. That would most likely bring in today's youth. Either that, or just make a rap. That's what kids these days are into.

    (If you couldn't tell, I was joking.. I think that writing a book about a Muslim character would be great. And not something where it shows the character being "normal" ie making out, partying etc. But an actual MUSLIM who prays and respects their parents.

  7. I'm thinking a Muslim Arthur series. Great idea or greatest idea?!

    And I say salam! (Salam!)

  8. "But can you blame them? My opinion: no. Those poor helpless childre-- LOL, jk DURR you can blame them" LMFAOOO i love you, man.

    But anyway I am soooo down for you writing a book.

    ADD MOMENT i just read your comment for the muslim arthur series LOOOLLL and i say salam! (salam!) what a wonderful kind of day, if you can learn to work and pray, and soom ramadan with each othaa!

    I'm no 14 year old, but these days, the prime thing that these young teens are interested in (well the girls anyway) is romance and having a boyfriend and experiencing first love etc etc etc. So as muslims, they can never actually go into that realm so the closest they can get to it is by reading frivolous teen romance books or watching stupid shit like 90210 or Gossip Girls.
    Now, how you're still going to apply this all to islam is going to be a challenge (if you choose to do so, of course)
    I susggest that it be very dramatic, like the kite runner (oh gawd) which keeps you reading till its over.


  9. Yeahhhhhh I think I'd insult the author of The Kite Runner if I so much as try to write something that good lol.

    Gah I hate that stupid Gossip Girl and 90210 crap! Someone else already suggested I write an Islamic Twilight series. D: But that doesn't make sense. And Islamic Twilight series would be pretty much, "Oh my Allah, Ahmad is so hot, let me lower my gaze and walk modestly."


  10. Not just a random 14 y-old fb friend...which wouldn't matter anyways right now seeing you've deactivated as of now...but back to the point.

    WRITE THAT BOOK ALREADY!! Like seriously. Been waiting for a while now. Hurry up!

    Also, do let us know the release date. Better be soon. Or else. ~creepy smile~

  11. If you are thinking children's books, that one should be easy for you. If you are talking pre-pre-teens, pre-teens, and teens/young adults, I would see what is missing from the literature that Brown mentioned and help fill the gap (it is a HUGE gap so you have plenty of room to run). Your talent is really needed! This may be a test for you. Allah(swt) has given you an ability that not many Muslims have and you need to use it for the greater good (I think you have been doing that already, but if you can do this on a larger scale, that would be incredible....notice I didn't say impossible!) And if you know anyone else as great a writer as you, or even better, you need to encourage them to do the same. To be honest, I would not recommend you write for entertainment because that only strengthens one's ties to this dunia. Write for the sake of helping others get to, and stay on, the path to Allah(swt). Your choice of words, on a topic that has already written about, may be what kids need to get through to them. Anyway, I can probably keep going but I will stop.

    May Allah guide you to what is best for you. And don't forget to set and renew your intentions before you start your project if you haven't already started or done so!

    I would be on that line by the way when your book comes out. And no, I am not a stalker, just an old friend. :)

  12. I just read a few posts up and saw you started writing a love story! That just reminded me of something I wanted to do, but I think you are more fit for the job: there is no love story written about the Rasool (saw) and Aisha (RA).
