
Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you.

The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.

04 March 2010

Go Do Your Homework. Or Something.

I don’t understand thirteen year olds who feel the need to insert f-bombs before every adjective in their facebook statuses, wall posts, comments, etc. I’m pretty sure we would all understand what they were trying to say, sans the obscenities.

You’d think that maybe it’s due to bad parenting, but 9 out of 10 times it’s not. Most of these kids actually come from honorable households, with caring mothers and hard-working fathers. It’s a shame that they repay their parents’ efforts with language worthy of a truck driver.

Is it peer pressure? Perhaps. But c’mon, they know that what they’re doing is wrong! I’m 100% sure if I threatened to print-screen their facebook page and show it to their mothers they’d crap their pants.

It’s a shame really. I remember when ‘shut up’ and ‘stupid’ were bad words. Now-a-days kids half my age manage to string together the most colorful profanities. Like seriously? You wanna grow up that quickly? I bet your mother still tucks you into bed at night.

Go do homework or something. Stupid kids…

(“Ooooh, teacher!! Nehal said a bad wordddddd!!”)


  1. Hahaha!! I soo agree with you on that. I think the concept of using "adult words" makes them feel older, rebellious, and fearless in front of other pre-teens.
    I remember on my fist day of school in the 6th grade a boy said to me in class "hey you!" and I looked at him and he said "fuck you!" just like that. A few girls sitting nearby all giggled about it and i just looked at him in shock. What did I do to him?? And in response to my silence he said "you don't curse, do you?" Confused, I shook my head. I became his target for nonstop bullying for the rest of the year. I wasn't a hijabi then, so it wasn't racism, but he felt empowered over me because i was the only kid in middle school who didn't curse. Go figure.

  2. I'm still not allowed to say "Shut up" or "stupid" inside my house (or anywhere in my parents'/sisters' earshot) and i'm 16... :P

    Wowww...i actually commented... o_O
