
Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you.

The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.

27 April 2011

To all my beautiful, amazing, and unique sisters.

Don't be one of those girls whose wish upon a shooting star or at 11:11 is wasted on someone who doesn't care. How can you place your trust in something as fleeting and evanescent as a shooting star? Or something as ridiculous as time? If you want something - or someone - ask Allah; He is Eternal and He knows best. But until then, guard your heart, the same way you would a jewel. After all, what's the difference?

Wallahi I love you all for the sake of Allah. <3

That's how I roll.

26 April 2011

Oscar Wilde once said...

Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!
For the complete poem, click here.

Couldn't have said it better.

12 April 2011

Narcissism At Its Best ;)

I like making numbered lists. I also like dividing by zero. Yeah, I know. I'm living on the edge, sonnnnnnnnnn.

Honestly though, I'm narcissistic like mad. So I'mma sit here and tell you twenty five things about myself, while you sit there and say, "Cool story bro." And then I'mma be all like, "Whatever, I don't like you anyway."

1. I'm not an optimist, but I'm not a pessimist either (hello happy medium?). I like to think of myself as a realist. It is what it is.

2. As much as I complain about NJIT, I can't imagine myself being any where else.

3. I love scary movies. LOVE THEM.

4. I'm not always an angry person, but I guess I have a short fuse sorta. I don't get angry easily (actually, alhamudlilah, I seldom get angry), but when I do, I go from zero to FURIOUS instantly. And then it takes a while for me to stop being so furious. :\

5. I inhale books. Seriously, I absolutely love reading. That stuff is my anti-drug. R|E|A|D|I|N|G. lol.

6. The first thing that captures my attention is a sense of humor. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a situation where a person is completely invisible to me, and then out of no where, s/he says something hilarious, and they actually come alive. And then I go, "Sup. I like you. You're cool people." And then I wink at them.

7. I'm the WORST, absolute WORSTTTTTT at staying in touch with people. :\ My mom thinks I'd make a great serial killer because of how much I keep to myself. -.- SHE'S WRONG. I WOULDN'T KILL ANYBODY. LIKE MAYBE JUST TWO PEOPLE. BUT THATS IT.

8. Just for the record, I wouldn't kill anybody. What the hell? Why would I kill someone??

9. You know how sometimes you walk out of a building and you start walking in a certain direction, and then you remember that you're supposed to be walking in the OPPOSITE direction? But you don't want people to think you're crazy, so instead, you have to pretend to look at your watch or pull out your cell phone and talk to some non-existent person on the other end and be like, "Oh, is the meeting NOW?! Okay I'm on my way!" and then change directions. Because like, that would be a little weird if you're walking one way and then suddenly do a 180 and walk in the opposite direction. It happened to me today, so I'm just mentioning it.

10. I hate those elevator rides where the other person has to pull out his or her cell phone and check it. Like seriously, you KNOW you didn't get any texts in the 3 seconds you've been in here. You KNOW it. I know it. Stop playin'.

11. If I'm running late, there's a 90% chance that everything that can go wrong, will. Sweet.

12. I like poetry. :3

13. One day, I'm gonna take my husband, a telescope, and a sketch book to the mountains and just star gaze and draw freaking Saturn man. Insha'Allah. I just find cosmology and astrology very fascinating. I like looking at the night sky. I could do it for hours.

14. Yeah, I'd love to get married some day insha'Allah lol. Otherwise I the husband part mentioned in the previous bullet wouldn't exactly work out. And I'd hate to go star gazing alone. :(

15. Wow. I can't even think of twenty five things about me. By the way, in case you didn't catch it, when I said I was narcissistic, I was joking. I'm really not. I do that a lot by the way - joke around.

16. I don't panic. I dunno, it just doesn't happen with me. Alhamdulilah, I'm able to think under pressure and stressful situations pretty well. My dad's like that. My mom? THE OPPOSITE. lol. She freaks out over the tiniest things, and I'm just like, "Calm down bro. There. Problem solved." :P

17. I hate feeling awkward or being in awkward situations. The other day I was standing with a friend and then her husband-to-be came by and he was asking her something, but while he was talking to her, he was kinda holding her hand and she was leaning into him and I was just like, "WHOA GUYS I'M STILL HERE, HAHA, JOKE'S ON ME." But my pleas went unnoticed and I was scared the public displays of affection would get a little bit too awkward. So then I was like, "Alright, laterz!" and she was like, "Wait Nehal, he's just asking me something real quick. So sorry." So I had to stand there and wallow in my awkwardness and twiddle my thumbs and stare at my shoes until they finished talking. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME. I REEEEEALLY CAN'T STAND THE AWKWARDNESS. ITS TORTURE TO ME, HONESTLY.

18. Seriously fam, I see public displays of affection and I run the other way. It just makes me feel shy for the person(s) and whatever. Its one of the reasons why I don't like chick flicks. I don't wanna sit there and watch a movie where I have to blush and look away every few minutes. That sucks!

19. This was my age ten days ago.

20. This is my age now. I feel old as hell. I've been alive for two decades. TWO DECADES. And what do I have to show for it? What have I done with my life?

21. This is how old I will be in 356 days, if I live that long insha'Allah.

22. I've lost interest. Pretend I wrote something here.

23. And here.

24. And here.

25. And here.